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* M A P I W I N . H
* Definitions used by the MAPI Development Team to aid in
* developing single-source service providers that run on
* both WIN32 and WIN16 platforms.
* There are three sections.
* The first section defines how to call something that
* is available by different methods in WIN16 vs. WIN32.
* As such, they are totally new mechanisms.
* The second section establishes things that are available
* AS-IS in one environment but we have to define for the
* other environment.
* The third section simply defines a few conventions
* (simplifications) for common operations.
* Copyright 1986-1996 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
* Routines are included in the first section to manage per-instance
* global variables for DLLs. They assume that all of the DLL's
* per-instance global variables live in a single block of memory.
* Functions are provided to install and retrieve the correct block of
* memory for the current instance.
* There are only two functions:
* PvGetInstanceGlobals Call this to get the address of the
* per-instance globals structure.
* ScSetinstanceGlobals Call this to install the
* per-instance globals structure. It
* may fail if the number of instances
* exceeds a certain limit.
* The caller is free to choose the name, size, and allocation
* method of the per-instance global variables structure.
* The WIN32 implementation uses a pointer in the DLL's data
* segment. This assumes that the DLL gets a separate instance
* of the default data segment per calling process.
* The WIN16 implementation uses a fixed array of pointers and a
* matching fixed array of keys unique to the calling process.
* The second section consists largely of Win32 file I/O functions
* that are not supported under Win16. These functions are
* implemented in mapiwin.c, using DOS calls. Most have limitations
* relative to their Win32 counterparts, which are spelled out in
* the comments to the source code.
#ifndef __MAPIWIN_H__
#define __MAPIWIN_H__
#pragma option -b
#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#pragma option -b.
#include <pshpack8.h>
#pragma option -b
#if defined (WIN32) && !defined (_WIN32)
#define _WIN32
#pragma option -b.
#include "mapinls.h"
#pragma option -b
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* Our conventions for things */
/* we choose to do differently */
/* on WIN16 vs. WIN32. */
#ifdef WIN16
#define MULDIV(x,y,z) MulDiv32(x,y,z)
#define IsBadReadPtr(lp,cb) FBadReadPtr(lp,cb)
#define cInstMax 50
LPVOID FAR PASCAL PvGetInstanceGlobals(void);
LONG FAR PASCAL ScSetInstanceGlobals(LPVOID pv);
LONG FAR PASCAL ScSetVerifyInstanceGlobals(LPVOID pv, DWORD dwPid);
LPVOID FAR PASCAL PvGetVerifyInstanceGlobals(DWORD dwPid);
LPVOID FAR PASCAL PvSlowGetInstanceGlobals(DWORD dwPid);
BOOL __export FAR PASCAL FCleanupInstanceGlobals(WORD, DWORD);
#elif defined(_MAC) /* !WIN16 */
#define MULDIV(x,y,z) MulDiv(x,y,z)
LPVOID FAR PASCAL PvGetInstanceGlobals(WORD wDataSet);
LONG FAR PASCAL ScSetInstanceGlobals(LPVOID pv, WORD wDataSet);
LONG FAR PASCAL ScSetVerifyInstanceGlobals(LPVOID pv, DWORD dwPid,
WORD wDataSet);
LPVOID FAR PASCAL PvGetVerifyInstanceGlobals(DWORD dwPid, DWORD wDataSet);
LPVOID FAR PASCAL PvSlowGetInstanceGlobals(DWORD dwPid, DWORD wDataSet);
BOOL FAR PASCAL FCleanupInstanceGlobals(WORD, DWORD);
#else /* !WIN16 */
#define MULDIV(x,y,z) MulDiv(x,y,z)
extern LPVOID pinstX;
#define PvGetInstanceGlobals() pinstX
#define ScSetInstanceGlobals(_pv) (pinstX = _pv, 0)
#define PvGetVerifyInstanceGlobals(_pid) pinstX
#define ScSetVerifyInstanceGlobals(_pv,_pid) (pinstX = _pv, 0)
#define PvSlowGetInstanceGlobals(_pid) pinstX
#endif /* WIN16 */
#if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(_MAC)
#define szMAPIDLLSuffix "32"
#elif defined(WIN16) || defined(DOS)
#define szMAPIDLLSuffix ""
#elif defined(_MAC)
#define szMAPIDLLSuffix "M"
#error "Don't know the suffix for DLLs on this platform"
/* Things missing from one */
/* system-provided environment */
/* or the other. */
#if !defined(_WIN32)
#define ZeroMemory(pb,cb) memset((pb),0,(cb))
#define FillMemory(pb,cb,b) memset((pb),(b),(cb))
#define CopyMemory(pbDst,pbSrc,cb) do \
{ \
size_t _cb = (size_t)(cb); \
if (_cb) \
} while (FALSE)
#define MoveMemory(pbDst,pbSrc,cb) memmove((pbDst),(pbSrc),(cb))
#if defined(WIN16) || defined(_MAC)
#ifndef _MAC
#pragma option -b.
#include <error.h> /* for GetLastError() */
#pragma option -b
typedef int INT;
typedef unsigned long ULONG;
typedef short SHORT;
typedef unsigned short USHORT;
typedef double LONGLONG;
typedef double DWORDLONG;
typedef unsigned char UCHAR;
typedef unsigned char FAR* PUCHAR;
typedef int BOOL;
#ifndef _MAC
typedef char BOOLEAN;
#ifndef _FILETIME_
#define _FILETIME_
typedef struct tagFILETIME
DWORD dwLowDateTime;
DWORD dwHighDateTime;
#endif /* _FILETIME */
typedef struct _SYSTEMTIME {
WORD wYear;
WORD wMonth;
WORD wDayOfWeek;
WORD wDay;
WORD wHour;
WORD wMinute;
WORD wSecond;
WORD wMilliseconds;
typedef struct _TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION {
LONG Bias;
CHAR StandardName[ 32 ]; /* was WCHAR */
SYSTEMTIME StandardDate;
LONG StandardBias;
CHAR DaylightName[ 32 ]; /* was WCHAR */
SYSTEMTIME DaylightDate;
LONG DaylightBias;
#if defined(DOS) || defined(WIN16)
/* Simulate effect of afx header */
#define __T(x) x
#define _T(x) __T(x)
#define TEXT _T
#define SetForegroundWindow SetActiveWindow
#define wsprintfA wsprintf
#define GetWindowsDirectoryA GetWindowsDirectory
#define GetSystemDirectoryA GetSystemDirectory
#define GetPrivateProfileStringA GetPrivateProfileString
#define GetPrivateProfileIntA GetPrivateProfileInt
#define GetProfileStringA GetProfileString
#define GetModuleFileNameA GetModuleFileName
#define CharUpperBuffA CharUpperBuff
#define LoadLibraryA LoadLibrary
#define lstrcatA lstrcat
#define RegisterWindowMessageA RegisterWindowMessage
#endif /* !_MAC */
/* Synchronization */
#define InterlockedIncrement(plong) (++(*(plong)))
#define InterlockedDecrement(plong) (--(*(plong)))
#ifndef CreateMutex
#define CreateMutexA CreateMutex
#define CreateMutexW CreateMutex
#define CreateMutex(pv, bool, sz) (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
#define WaitForSingleObject(hObj, dw) ((void)0)
#define ReleaseMutex(hObj) ((BOOL)1)
#define CloseMutexHandle(hObj) TRUE
#define InitializeCriti